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AWAN Cloud Chamber
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(left) Alpha tracks from Uranitite (right) Alpha tracks from Americium-241
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Vacuum Test of AWAN

Friday, 10 July 2020

Selected Topics in Amateur ANuPar Physics

Although this field is relatively unheard of, it is possible to categorize the kind of efforts an amateur particle physicist can do within, say, the financial capability of a middle-income person. 

In order to get good particle tracks, consider the following exploitable experimental methods (this list is not exhaustive):

  1. Design the type of cloud chamber that suits what you want to find (Are you looking for neutron reactions? Cosmic ray events?): There are many ways to do this, and emerging DIY technology may be implemented to ease construction: 3D printing, laser cutting, etc.
  2. Design electronic particle detectors that is able to recreate "tracks" and all its associated information through computing. 
  3. Develop modern method of photography of cloud chamber tracks.
  4. Software development for image recognition of cloud chamber photographs. (this is something very common in amateur astronomy, both commercial and free)
  5. Development of data analysis software associated to the point above so you could work out the statistics of the observed event.
  6. Designing and usage of particle accelerators (if you are interested in studying the nuclear structure of "large nucleus"): DIY-possible particle accelerators may include early designs such as Van der Graaff accelerators, Cockroft-Walton accelerators, and cyclotrons.
  7. Optimisation of geometry, time, and techniques, to increase chances of observing events. 

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